- 35cms width allows for open exercise book
- Pen/pencil groove for convenience
- Tougher design - less breakable
- Rubber feet to prevent slipping
- Set at the reccomended 20 degrees
The writing slope is easy to stack and store with a sturdy material and design that:
Supports fine motor skills - The angle of the writing slope improves placement of the shoulder, arm and hand, and promotes the ideal hand position for wrist flexion, the wrist movement that best supports a correct pencil grip. It can also help with providing right amount of muscle force in holding a writing implement.
Improves posture - The writing slope brings the line of vision higher than a flat surface, which promotes an upright posture instead of a slumped body position.
Used as a bookrest, helps visual tracking for reading - If the writing slope is also used as a bookrest, all the text remains at the same angle, so the child does not need to refocus their eyes as they read. This can also help reduce eye strain, and may also be of some assistance to dyslexic readers for whom any changes in focal length add yet another processing task to an already burdened cognitive system.
Slope dimensions: 35cms x32 cms.
The National Handwriting Association's review of resources says this: "The slope has been used very successfully throughout the year by a year 4 boy who has carried it around with him from room to room, along with his Move 'n' Sit cushion and a sand timer to keep him on track. He is reluctant to part with it as he finds it so helpful, and he has learnt to organise his desk for maximum benefit." (From "Handwriting Today" #13, October 2014)