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Children’s Handwriting ISN’T Dying. Here is the...
I have recently come across two articles published by The Telegraph debating how and why handwriting is supposedly dying. I wanted to address a number of pertinent points and the opposite – the...

How to Create a Dyslexia-Friendly Classroom Env...
Are you looking to create a more inclusive and supportive classroom for your students? Having the right environment helps all young learners, but particularly those with dyslexia, empowering them achieve...

The Importance of Social and Emotional Learning...
The Importance of SEL In Building Strength and Resilience in Students Dyslexia is one of the most common learning difficulties in the UK, with an estimated six million people...

5 Common Challenges Teachers Face with Dyslexic...
5 Common Challenges Teachers Face with Dyslexic Students - and How You Can Overcome Them All teachers face challenges at times, and students with dyslexia can often pose a...