What it says on the back of the book "I don't need to be scared of reading anymore" 17-year old woman describing the use of coloured overlays. Reading Through Colour tells the story of the discovery and development of the use of coloured overlays and tinted glasses to help overcome reading difficulty, which can sometimes result in almost miraculous improvements. Arnold Wilkins, the scientist who was one of the first to provide the evidence that coloured filters can work, explains how sufferers are often unaware of the effects of visual stress, having no way of realising that others see print differently. They frequently suffer headaches or migrane, but at school can be considered simply lazy. Reading Through Colour explains what the overlays are and how to select them. Throughout, the voices of parents, children and adults tell how improvements in reading speed and fluency have changed their lives. Clear "how-to" advice on testing and using overlays is included for teachers and other professionals, along with information on where to get further help and advice. "Every reading teacher needs a copy of this book and their own set of filters. Optometrists and pediatricians will also find this work to be a valuable resource. It is a 'must read'." Alan Kwasman M.D., Behavioural Pediatrician, Associate Professor, University of California, Riverside.