Our Primary History Bundle pack includes one copy of each of the following topic packs (Click on the links below for full details of each pack):
The Great Fire of London (KS1)
- The cause of the Great Fire.
- Why the fire spread so fast.
- How people tried to escape.
- How they attempted to put the fire out.
- Samuel Pepys and his diary of the fire.
- How the fire was finally stopped.
- Who was blamed for the fire.
- The good and bad effects of the fire.
Florence Nightingale (KS1)
- Reasons why Florence is so famous.
- What she did to improve hospitals.
- Her training and work before the Crimean War.
- The work she did during the Crimean War.
- The books she wrote on healthcare.
- The creation of the Nightingale School of Nursing.
- Nightingale Wards.
- The beginnings of the NHS.
- The medals and awards she was given.
- Her pet owl, Athena.
- The ward pet in Scutari hospital.
The Stone Age (KS2)
- The 3 periods of The Stone Age.
- A timeline showing the chronological order of the period.
- Life for a Stone Age ‘Hunter Gatherer’.
- Tools used in the early Stone Age.
- The development of tools during the 3 periods.
- How Neolithic people began farming and building.
- Changes in the landscape.
- The discovery of Skara Brae.
- Artefacts and archaeologists and what they tell us.
- Comparisons with life today.
The Roman Empire (KS2)
- The legend of Rome.
- The people of the Roman Empire.
- Important buildings of Ancient Rome.
- Roman leisure activities.
- Chariot Racing.
- Gladiators.
- Roman Villas.
- Roman Baths.
- Gods, Goddesses and Religion.
- Just how big the Roman Empire was and the modern countries it would have included?
The Roman Invasion (KS2)
- The Roman Army and how it was made up.
- Roman soldiers.
- Roman armour and weapons.
- The difference between Roman soldiers and Celtic warriors.
- The reasons why the Romans eventually took over Britain.
- England and her tribes.
- The reasons for Boudica’s rebellion.
- Why Boudica’s rebellion failed.
- What happened to Boudica.
- Why the Romans finally left Britain.
Life in Roman Britain (KS2)
- Why Britain became a good place to live.
- The design of new Roman towns.
- The introduction of running water, toilets and baths.
- Building of Roman roads and why they were important.
- Roman ruins, archaeologists, artefacts and what they tell us.
- Hadrian’s Wall, why it was built and who lived there.
- The legacy of the Romans in Britain.
Nelson Mandela (KS2)
- The life of Nelson Mandela.
- The reasons for problems in South Africa.
- The introduction of apartheid and how it affected people in South Africa.
- How other countries fought against apartheid.
- Why Mandela was imprisoned.
- What Mandela achieved for black people around the world.