Physique Latex-Free Fitness Band
Physique Latex-Free Fitness Bands are simple versatile tools designed to help correct body positioning when stretching. They are extra-strong bands that are very effective for each main muscle group and can be used for a variety of exercises for the whole body. These specific resistance bands are latex-free, suitable for individuals with latex allergies. Each band is 15cm wide and available in sizes 120cm and 25m.
Physique Latex-Free Fitness Bands are extra-strong bands great for stretching, strengthening and toning each of the main muscle groups. They are perfect for a variety of strength, speed, flexibility, mobility and rehabilitation exercises for the lower body, back, chest, shoulders, arms, and core.
They're great for ramping up current workout routines and can be easily incorporated into a range of exercises such as squats, crunches, chest press and standing bicep curl. Moreover, they can also be seamlessly integrated into activities such as cross-fit, yoga or Pilates.
Compact Design
Lightweight and practical bands that can be stored anywhere. Plus, their compact design makes them ideal for using anywhere too:
- At home.
- In the gym.
- On holiday.
- In a clinic setting.
- On the field.