This “Essential Scissor Kit” includes our top selling scissors which are ideal for children in a mainstream setting who need assistance with scissor skill development. Kit is supplied in a clear zip PVC wallet and contains 7 scissors including left hand versions where appropriate. Guidance notes are also included. Recommended to be used in conjunction with Developing Basic Scissor Skills Work Cards (see PDSS-WS or PDSS-USB for multi-lingual version).
Where an OT assessment is not available, by following the Guidance Notes giving details of how to use each scissor, the teacher can identify the most appropriate scissors for the child who has difficulties cutting with conventional style scissors. The additional notes on using scissors provide useful information appropriate for any classroom
MEG-1 Mini Easi-Grip® scissors
PEG-1 Easi-Grip® scissors
PEG-1/L Easi-Grip® scissors (Left Hand)
PR-1/SO Self-Opening scissors
PL-1/SO Self-Opening scissors (Left Hand)
PTR-1 Dual Control Teaching scissors
PTL-1 Dual Control Teaching scissors (Left Hand)