Dyslexic teenagers face special problems. They need to master complex study skills, deal with large amounts of revision, and cope with the demands of examinations. They may suffer from stress, anxiety and lack of confidence. DYSLEXIA: A TEENAGER'S GUIDE helps young adults tackle these problems with strategies uniquely suited to their needs. Clearly and simply written by a leading expert in the field, the book helps with reading, writing, spelling and memory, as well as giving tips on how to take notes, organise study, deal with examinations and use IT. It also shows how to improve confidence, deal with stress, and build on the creative talent that many dyslexics possess. Dr. Sylvia Moody has a Ph.D in Psychology, a diploma in Clinical Psychology and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. She runs the Dyslexia Assessment Service in London. She has written children's books and is co-author of DYSLEXIA IN THE WORKPLACE (Whurr Publishers, Dyslexia Adults Link Book of the Year 2000).