The Extended Code books are for use by children who have mastered the concepts in the Inital Code units 1-20.
They introduce the many different ways that vowel sounds can be represented.
Each book introduces more alternative spellings for the vowel sounds in Level 1 and Level 2 sets.
Book 1 - Jake, the Snake (ai ay a a-e ea)
Book 2 - The Heap of Sand (ee e ea y)
Book 3 - Toad in a Hole (oa o ow oe o-e)
Book 4 - Pasta with Butter (ur er ir or ear)
Book 5 - The Mean Robot (ea as 'ae' 'ee' or 'e' )
Book 6 - Miss Flower's Project (ow as 'ow' or 'oe')
Book 7 - School Rules (oo ew ue u-e)
Book 8 - The Kite (igh i y ie i-e)
Book 9 - The Tooth (oo as in 'boot' or 'look')
Book 10 - The Tent on the Lawn (or a aw au al)
Book 11 - The Royal Chest of Coins (oi, oy, uoy)
Book 12 - Aunt March (ar, a, al, au, ear)
Book 13 - Not Fair! (air, are, ere, ear, eir)
Book 14 - Bear's Fears (ear)
Author: Tamar Reis-Frankfort and Wendy Tweedie
Size: 150mmx210mm
Attributes: Paperback
Age category: 4+