Drawing on “gold standard” peer-reviewed scientific research, the Visual Stress Assessment Pack provides anyone involved in detailed assessment of the colour overlay needs of individuals with a full battery of information and assessment tools, presented in a clear, easy-to-follow format that is accessible to professionals and non-professionals alike.
It also includes background information and research references for those new to Visual Stress interventions, and follow-up material that ensures parents and others can be easily and fully informed of assessment results and recommended further action.
The pack includes:
- Two sets of 10 (A5) overlays in sturdy punched zip pockets
- Testing pages in two font styles and eight font sizes
- Full easy to follow assessment instruction manual
- At-a-glance colour preference chart
- Information on Visual Stress symptoms and treatment
- Photocopiable recording sheets
- Templates for letters to parents and employers
- Bibliography and web links
- Sturdy D-ring presentation binder