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The Best Teaching Aids for Parents and Teachers

The world of education can be tough for every child, but for those who have dyslexia, it can be even more challenging. However, knowing how to help a child with dyslexia in the classroom can also be a challenge for teachers and parents alike.

Every teacher wants the best for their students and strives to create a classroom environment that is welcoming and conducive for all children to learn in. Every student is different, though, and creating a space that accommodates all capabilities requires a multitude of teaching aids and strategies.

Dyslexia is a very common condition in the UK. The British Dyslexia Association estimate that one in ten people have some form of dyslexia, while 4% of the entire population, over seven million people, would be considered severe.

Typically, dyslexia is often noticed during the early school years when the student begins to learn how to read and write. The most common signs include a slower than normal ability to read, confusing the order of letters, inconsistent spelling and placing letters the wrong way round. This can make it particularly challenging to teach them, and these students often need more in-depth support and assistance throughout their education.

Here at The Dyslexia Shop, we know how tough it can be for parents and teachers to effectively teach children with dyslexia. That is why we have taken a closer look at some of the best dyslexia resources, strategies and teaching aids to help you.

Strategies for teaching children with dyslexia

Before looking at the best dyslexia resources and teaching aids, we thought we would look at some of the most effective dyslexia strategies that teachers and parents can utilise.

Establish an inclusive environment

One of the most effective methods of dyslexia teaching is to create an inclusive environment. No matter whether it is a small working group or an entire classroom, following a clear schedule and utilising multisensory teaching aids helps to create a positive environment and stronger learning for every student.

It is also important to ensure that you are giving dyslexic students the time to process what they are learning. That means giving your students the time to learn at their own pace and not rushing through the program. As some students might feel self-conscious or uncomfortable reading to the class, do not make them partake, instead, you could perhaps ask which students would like to read aloud.

It is also crucial to focus on praise rather than criticism. Many children with dyslexia have issues with their self-esteem and confidence. Criticism can only increase these feelings, so positive affirmation is crucial in helping to create a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Structure your literacy lessons

When it comes to knowing how to teach a dyslexic child to read, it is important to follow a structured approach. Each student will struggle with certain aspects of literacy that may require a more in-depth approach, breaking it down into clear sections.

The International Dyslexia Association has said that a structured approach to literacy is crucial in dyslexia teaching. A systematic process ensures that every student is able to slowly build their knowledge until they are able to master it.

For children with dyslexia, writing can be very challenging. Many might be able to verbally communicate their ideas intelligently, but struggle to put these thoughts onto paper. That is why dyslexia strategies should focus less on creating vast amounts of written content and incorporating more time for reading, discussions and understanding.

Utilise multisensory methods

One of the best dyslexia strategies for teachers is to incorporate multisensory learning into the curriculum. From materials that are heavy in visual elements such as images and videos to hands-on educational games, keeping the curriculum varied is crucial.

Multisensory teaching aids can include things such as writing words with tactile materials such as glitter or beads; however, dyslexia teaching should incorporate a lot of physical activities and games. Allowing students to use their hands as they learn or encouraging them to get active while learning to spell, such as spelling a word while playing hopscotch, can help them understand the process far more than book learning.

When teaching a dyslexic child to read, encourage them to visualise what they are seeing, stopping occasionally to have them mentally picture what they have just read.

Teaching aids for parents and teachers

While these dyslexia strategies are an incredibly important aspect of helping children to progress their learning, there is also a wide range of teaching aids and dyslexia resources you can draw upon. As awareness of dyslexia teaching has become more common, and technology has become more advanced, there is a wide range of assistive tools that parents, students and teachers can take advantage of.

One of the most effective teaching aids for children with dyslexia is the use of a coloured keyboard. These innovative tools act as a fantastic visual aid for learning, making them more accessible and inclusive. Many of the latest coloured keyboards on the market also feature additional teaching aids, such as the hotkeys that give the user the ability to quickly and easily pause or rewind audio. This is a particularly useful addition for those students utilising text-to-speech programs.

There are an array of additional technology tools, such as pocket spell checkers, that help to provide students with the correct spelling of a word they spelt phonetically. Line readers are also a very useful tool when reading books or working through a workbook. These devices can help to magnify the text while also highlighting certain sections, so it is easier to maintain their place in the book.

While technology-led dyslexia resources are helping to play an important role in classrooms and home learning, physical real-world games are just as important. Educational games are an essential part of dyslexia resources and are key teaching aids in both the classroom and at home.

There are many games and activities that teachers and parents can adopt. These include activities that can help to improve their fine motor skills, such as colouring and crafts, but also games to improve their reading and literacy. Knowing how to teach a dyslexic child to read can be tough, but word-building games, such as scrabble and balderdash, are a great way to keep them engaged and help them to improve their ski

Looking for dyslexia resources?

Are you looking for proven dyslexia resources? Here at The Dyslexia Shop, our mission is to provide teachers and parents with the highest quality teaching aids. For over ten years, our family-run business has been carefully choosing the very best products that are specifically designed to help children with dyslexia and special education needs.

We offer a wide array of products, from books and dyslexia resources for teachers, parents and students to specialist stationery, educational games and electronics. Our mission is to help every child improve their education and have fun while learning.

Want to find out more? Our friendly team is always happy to help, so get in touch today.

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