Ann Arbor Publishers Ltd
WIAT-III UK Complete kit
By David Wechsler
Purpose: Provides a reliable assessment of reading, language and numerical attainment in one test.
Age: 4 to 25 years 11 months
Admin: Individual
Time: 45 to 90 minutes depending on the age of the examinee
The WIAT-III-UK is suitable for use in a variety of educational, clinical and research settings. Clinician’s can use WIAT®-IIIUK results to:
- Identify the academic strengths and weaknesses of a student
- Inform decisions regarding eligibility for educational services, educational placement, or diagnosis of a specific learning difficulty
- Plan intervention
- Measure progress
Features and Benefits
- 16 subtests to evaluate listening, speaking, reading, writing, and mathematics skills
- 3 new subtests - oral reading fluency, maths fluency and early reading skills
The following diagram shows all the WIAT-III-UK subtests, subtest components and composites (excluding the Total Achievement composite), and the links between them.
Eight composite scores:
- Oral Language
- Total Reading
- Basic Reading
- Reading Comprehension and Fluency
- Written Expression
- Mathematics
- Maths Fluency
- Total Achievement
- Age-based standard scores
- Percentile ranks
- NCE’s
- Stanines age equivalents
Psychometric Information
The WIAT-III-UK was standardised on a fully stratified sample of 744 children and young people, based on the UK 2011 Census. The WIAT-III-UK will be correlated with the Wechsler achievement tests of comparable ages.
Updates to support EHCP, DSA and AA requirements, and best practice:
- New UK norms from 4:0 - 25:11 years
- Upwards extension of UK norms to 25:11 years
- Standard scores for all subtests
- Comparisons with Wechsler ability scores