Philip & Tracey
Phonix Groupwork Set - Pack of 300
Every teacher should have one of these comprehensive sets of colour-coded cubes in the resource cupboard. Perfect for small groups or the whole class to practice phonics, A ‘taster’ set with the full range of colour-coded cubes, this selection comprises high-frequency letters and blends to make a wide range of words. These cubs feature only lower case phonemes for ease of recogntion, repeated on both sides so the whole group can easily see what the teacher or teacher assistant is holding up. Use after children have secured synthetic blending.
• 60 red vowels
• 60 pink vowel phonemes
• 60 blue consonants
• 60 yellow initial consonant clusters
• 60 green final consonant clusters
Supplied in a clear plastic jar with activity ideas to help you get started and save you time.
Reasons to Love:
• The Phonix range will provide a tactile element to your phonics sessions. The cubes are colour coded to enable the teaching of vowels and consonants. Further colour coding defines digraphs taught in phase 3 and 5.
• The cubes will aid the teaching of blending for reading and segmenting for spelling, as they can be manipulated to show how the separate sounds fit together.
• Additional resources are also available to enhance independent learning, such as additional cubes, activity cards and a large bumper box.