The Dyslexia Shop
Number Roll 1 (1-100 Numbered Track)
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- A series of strong but flexible, reinforced PVC number tracks and lines as used in Maths Recovery programmes. Ideal for use in conjunction with bead strings
- Number rolls 1 to 4 show a progression in the use of number tracks whilst designs 5 to 8 are more suitable for older children using number lines.
- Each number roll is supplied with plastic markers to highlight specific numbers and a specially designed buckle for hiding and revealing numbers.
- All designs (except NR04) are based on 1cm increments and can therefore also be used for measuring activities as a simple first tape measure. The rolls also have the advantage of not having an ‘additional space’ at the beginning to avoid the common difficulty that children have in using traditional tape measures and rulers.
- NR04 is designed with wider spacing for use with counters.
- Size (100 x 2.5 cm)