Giant Magnetic Base 10 Demonstration Set
The Giant Magnetic Base 10 Demonstration Set that bring base ten to your white board, large enough for the whole class to see! Demonstrate essential number concepts on your whiteboard so the whole class can see. Use Base Ten concepts to reinforce a variety of numeracy skills: Place Value, Estimation, Fractions, Decimals, Arithmetic and Percents. Demonstration pieces feature real-life photography and the magnetic backing allows for use on whiteboards and other magnetic surfaces. The set includes 131 Base Ten pieces: 100 units, 20 rods, 10 flats and one cube. The flats measure 170mm and the units measure 15mm.
This is the ideal teaching tool for demonstrating use of base 10 concepts visually in front of the whole class - children can physically come up and exchange then regroup.
The 131 piece set can be used to generate numbers up to 1000, and the magnetism allows the the tens , ones and hundreds to be easily exchanged between place value grids.
Great tool to develop fluency in place value, estimation , fractions, decimals and percentages.
A key component of mastery teaching and can be used on a range of different surfaces.