Sage Publications Ltd
Educating Children with Complex Conditions: Understanding Overlapping & Co-existing Developmental Disorders
There are growing numbers of children displaying the symptoms of more than one condition or disorder, and this has led to those involved in education needing to understand which conditions commonly overlap or co-exist, and how to meet children's more complex needs.
By bringing together some of the latest research on how the brain learns with what is known about identifying developmental disorders that appear to have a common biological basis, this book covers:
- what is known about a common group of disorders, (including ADHD, autistic spectrum disorders, dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia)
- how to recognise when a child may have more than one condition
- what teaching approaches and strategies might be most relevant
Written in a non-technical style, the book blends together scientific knowledge from different disciplines and translates it into practical terms for school leaders, practitioners in the field of special educational needs and disabilities, and students following courses in higher education.