Bloomsbury Education
100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Supporting Students with Autism
For students at secondary school, each day brings a different set of challenges to be faced - especially for the increasing number of young people diagnosed with autism. Not only do secondary students have to contend with the anxieties that come with adolescence, they also have to learn to cope with increasingly difficult work across numerous subject areas, and the added pressure of exams. This book helps teachers develop subtle learning strategies that will help create an inclusive, quality teaching environment where pupils with autism can be supported during this time of change.
It breaks down the key areas ofpotential difficulty and offers step-by-step strategies, ideas, case studies and links to resources in a style that is easy and accessible. Key topics include transition, assessment, anxiety support, behaviour, social skills and communication, and teasing and bullying. 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Supporting Students with Autism is the ultimate troubleshooting guide that every secondary school teacher should have to hand.